August Challenge: Thursday, Day 26 – Forget Pride, Experience and Reason…Listen to Your HEART!

risky-impossibleHappy Thursday Challengers…it’s August 27th and it’s almost the weekend YAY!!

Today is arms and back day again and it’s a day a lot of people like to skip…usually the excuse is the tricep push ups. The exercise might be a little bit confusing and a tad bit intimidating, but in truth is not that hard!

It’s a great exercise for those flabby arms…and I know this is an area MOST of us need to work on. Let’s face it…there’s mostly women in this group and that arm area is almost ALWAYS a problem!

So why are so many people skipping it?

It’s impossible? Only is you don’t try!

It’s risky? What’s the risk? You might tighten up some flab?

It’s pointless? How could any exercise that works a problem area be pointless?!?!

Watch the “How to” video again today and TRY! Do it slowly and I promise you will feel it in the back of your arms. Do NOT skip this exercise today. It’s a good one and I want you try it!

The full name of this exercise is Oblique Twist Tricep Push-Ups. I couldn’t fit this full name on the calendar and I hope that hasn’t thrown you off. Watch the video again…


If you need to make a modifications…skip lifting your top leg and just focus on the arm portion of the exercise. You Can do this! It’s NOT that hard. I don’t want to see anyone flat out skipping this exercise today. At least try!

When you’re done…pat yourself on the back with that arm wrapped around your body and remind yourself that the only person stopping you from doing this exercise in past weeks was YOU!

Another difficult one is the Monkey arms…and by difficult I mean confusing…and again…intimidating. This is another great exercise for those flabby arm areas and one I want you to try! If you need to modify…don’t bring your arms all the way up parallel to each other…just bring them up as high as you can…don’t skimp on this…try your best! Here is the “how to” video as a reminder.


Since I’m posting them again…here is our third exercise for today, Hammer Curls. This is just a different way to do bicep curls. I like this one…hope you do too!


Here’s our Day 26 exercises:

  • 40 Tricep Push-ups
  • 40 Hammer Curls
  • 40 Monkey Arms
  • 60 Second Side Plank (Both sides!)

Screw pride. Forget past experiences. Ignore reason. Listen to your heart, GIVE IT A TRY…and do your best!

Only you can make it a great day Challengers!

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